Vision / Mission

Our Vision

RT Equipment is an established Auckland company specialising in the provision of comprehensive hydraulic and mechanical material handling equipment solutions. The industry leading solutions we provide include accessories, parts, hire servicing and forklift training.

Our Mission

RT Equipment’s mission is to be the preferred choice for all customers in New Zealand. We plan to achieve this by placing emphasis on our ability to exceed customer expectations, working with our customers to understand their needs, delivering our best resources, products and services at all times, and by providing innovative and workable solutions on time and on budget.

Customers across New Zealand come to RT Equipment because they have a problem that needs solving by a company with a professional attitude that places the utmost importance on customer service and workplace health and safety.

Our customers choose us with confidence because they know we understand the issues they face. An RTE solution will fit their specific needs and help them to keep their business running smoothly. That in turn helps them to fulfil their mission statement to their customer base.

Customers and Suppliers

RTE has built a reputation for providing customers across New Zealand with a wide range of industry-leading products, as well the exclusive agreements we have made with international agencies. This ensures we’re able to provide customers with a full range of accessories, parts and service options that can be delivered nationwide.

Our staff are trained, qualified and have a professional and proactive attitude to RTE and the companies we work with. Our team pride themselves on their strong work ethic and place the utmost importance on building solid customer relationships. Our strong work ethic and the approach we take to building customer relationships has empowered us to earn their trust in our service capabilities.

Employees and Their Values

As a leading New Zealand company, RT Equipment provides a working environment that encourages teamwork and innovative solutions. We respect our employees and we’re dedicated to providing our valued workforce with comprehensive training and up-to-date product and industry information that empowers them to serve customers in such a way that all their needs are met.

All our staff members believe in our mission and always act as integral parts of the RTE team. That means they show respect, pride themselves on their high ethical standards and take an inclusive attitude to every aspect of the work they perform for RT Equipment.