Safety Alarms and Response
The BHS Hydrogen Exhaust Fan Kit (HEF-KIT) monitors hydrogen gas levels, activating operating alarms and ventilation fans when necessary to exhaust gases. The HEF-KIT is intended for use in battery charging rooms and areas where hydrogen gas may be present.
The HEF-KIT consists of a dual-relay Hydrogen Gas Detector (HGD-DR) and a Hydrogen Exhaust Fan (HEF-1). The Hydrogen Gas Detector monitors hydrogen gas and provides warning of increasing levels before they become dangerous.
Should the concentration of the hydrogen gas in the air surrounding the sensor reach 1% by volume. the vellow Warning LED will light and the 1% internal relav will close. activating the Hydrogen Exhaust Fan for forced ventilation. Should the concentration reach 2% by volume, the red Danger LED will flash, an 80 decibel alarm will sound, and the 2% internal relay will close. The relays will remain closed, LEDs lit, exhaust fan and alarm activated until the hydrogen concentration drops below the corresponding percentages.
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